Saturday, March 28, 2009
Riley 7 months
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The search begins...
We are in desperate need of new furniture. Not just living room furniture, but all through our house. Pretty much everything we own is a hand-me-down. Now, there is nothing wrong with that because goodness knows we NEEDED it at the time or we wouldn't have had anything, but I think it's time to start replacing things. Today I started my search for a couch. I had no idea it would be this difficult. There are so many choices! I went to 2 stores and then I was DONE! And, you have no idea if you will like it until you sit down. There was one I thought was so nice, and then I sat on it and thought, "NO WAY!". are a few that are in the running right now. Thoughts? My other thought was to skip the furniture and go for carpets in the the bedrooms and sunroom. I don't know which I want more...decisions, decisions :P

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Growing like weeds...
Riley had his 6 month check -up today(even though he's 6.5 months old). He gained 4 lbs and grew 3 inches since his last checkup 2 months ago. He now weighs 17lbs. 2oz. and is 26 inches long. The doctor is very pleased with his progress. She cracked me up by commenting on how "clean" he was...really, she said that. He is one healthy boy, just like I knew.
My other little monkey grew a bunch too. I need to mark her measurement and see exactly how much she grew. I think it's somewhere in the realm of 1/4" in the last month. She keeps impressing me lately with little things she can do. What a lucky mommy I am!
My other little monkey grew a bunch too. I need to mark her measurement and see exactly how much she grew. I think it's somewhere in the realm of 1/4" in the last month. She keeps impressing me lately with little things she can do. What a lucky mommy I am!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lily's outfit...
I finally got around to taking a picture of Lily in her new outfit from her grandparents. She insisted that she wanted the hat, which I think is funny (Not a bratty insisted, just a can I get a hat, can I get a hat type of thing). Anyway, she looks very cute in her new dress, so thank you grandma & grandpa.
My Name is Riley...I like to bounce
Riley loves his jumper now that he has figured out how to bounce. It makes me smile to watch him go so I thought I'd share.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Picnic at the park...
Papa got the kite stuck in the tree. I actually called it...30 seconds before it happened.
Riley conked out on my shoulder so I laid him down and he took a nice nap. Nothin' better than sleeping outside.
Lily had a great time playing on all stuff, but what 4 year old doesn't?
We just had a nice afternoon picnic. I definitely think we'll have to do it again! Getting out of the house and enjoying the day is something we don't do often enough. Life's too short, not to get out and enjoy it...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
New outfit
A chilly trip to the park...
Not like I've taken them out a whole bunch, but that's what I've done a few times. Anyhow, I thought that the day would be nice enough to venture out to the park. Get some fresh air, enjoy the sunshine, unfortunately it was a little breezier than I anticipated. Riley was a little bothered by the wind, and I was downright chilled(I'm not a big coat person). I thought the weather was going to be as nice as the previous day, so I was just wearing a T-shirt...whoops! So, we had a short trip. I think we spent 10 or 15 minutes total at the park. Lily didn't complain when I said it was time to go home. That should tell you something.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Simple Pleasures
Life's simple pleasures
Are meant to be enjoyed
The first bloom of springtime or
A bubble floating by
The cool side of your pillow or
A gentle lover's smile
The look inside your child's eyes
That shines so full and bright
Sometimes it's the simple things
That bring such joy in life
The other night as I lay in bed I realized how much I take the simple things for granted. So, I started writing this to remind myself to embrace and enjoy everything I have. What are your simple pleasures? Think about it...
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