Thursday, July 1, 2010

Miracle Grow or Love???

We decided to plant a little garden in the front flower bed. It started off as a couple tomato plants and expanded to some cilantro, 2 pepper plants, some strawberries and a cantaloupe plant.As you can see, the tomato plants are doing very well. I like to think it's love that's making them grow, but I have a feeling it's the nice shot of Miracle Grow that Dylan gave them. Or maybe it's the special watering that Riley gives them with the squirt gun?The cherry tomato plant is taller than the kids...My biggest romas...I'm looking forward to them ripening.
And then the cherries...awfully big for cherry tomatoes don'tcha think??? These are just the biggest, but the bush is loaded! I'm going to have cherry tomatoes coming out my ears soon...

1 comment:

Photo maniac said...

Wow, your tomatoes look great! I love how Riley waters the plants, hehehe!!!