Monday, April 20, 2009

Best Bath Toy EVER!

Our newest addition to the tub...the bulb syringe. Seriously, the sucky ball that they give you in your "bringing baby home" kit, is now the coolest new bath toy. Somehow I ended up with about 3 of these things. So now, we have two for the kidlets to play with in the tub. It started as a way to distract Riley as I was changing his diaper as he has decided that the changing table is the place to roll around. I can't keep the little monkey still. So I handed him the sucky ball to give him something to play with- this technique worked well for Lily so I thought, why not? Anywho, I let him take into the bath tonight and Lily thought it was the greatest thing EVER! So, I gave her one to play with too. Much fun ensued =) It's the simple things that bring the most joy...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Thanks for the idea! Maybe I'll try that. :)