So, we had our first camping experience as a family. And while it didn't go quite as well as I hoped, we still had a nice time.

One of the best things about camping, I think, is the campfire. Here we are hanging out the second morning. Drinking our coffee or hot cocoa, enjoying waking up in the fresh air.

The kids had a good time spending time with each other, playing and experiencing new things.

Lily and Dylan roasted marshmallows for breakfast. Okay, Dylan ate them and Lily helped hold the stick...We all know that Lily won't hardly touch sweets :)

Dylan in his shorts and coat...what a goof. Riley got a kick out of wearing socks too. It was quite humorous seeing him examine his feet trying to figure out what was on them.

Digging in the dirt was a favorite past time. Boy oh boy did these girls get DIRTY! Oh well, we were camping :)
We went and visited the fish hatchery also. That was very cool. They had an albino Rainbow Trout which was interesting. Fun times to be had. I'm looking forward to the next time camping when Riley is bigger and not in the clingy stage...