Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here comes trouble...

I think I'm going to start calling Riley "Trouble". He loves to play with the cupboard doors. There's just something about the banging he can accomplish :0) I turned around from doing the dishes and saw him pulling stuff out of the cupboard...He was so proud of himself. It wasn't a big deal until he found a package of noodles that was opened. Thankfully Mommy swooped them up before he could dump them out.
Unfortunately I didn't think of the Cheerios. And, when I walked out to do something for a second, this happened. I guess he was really hungry...


sabrina said...

Too funny!!!!

Rhiannon Bosse said...

haha what a cutey!! his little grin shows he knows exactly what mischeif he is getting in to haha love it Tiff!