Monday, August 24, 2009


Though it still seems a bit surreal, Lily started school today. My baby is a big girl now! She even decided this morning that she didn't need her blankies anymore...she thought Riley should have them since he's a baby and she's not.
How cute is that!

She sat right down and started playing with the other kids. And, she's excited to go back tomorrow.
Here she is with her teacher Mrs. Ott, saying goodbye. I was really impressed by the pictures she brought home today and I can't wait to start a collection.

Now, I just have to get used to having one child for a 3 hour stretch during the day. How exciting :)


sabrina said...

That is so cool! She will have a great time.

Rhiannon Bosse said...

She is perfect! I adore her hehe what a cutie!