Okay people, just a warning, this is a dirty diaper story. I'm not going to be graphic, but I'm just letting you know. So anyhow...
I truly, truly never thought I would ever be excited to change a dirty diaper. Guess it goes to show you how motherhood can change a person. This story starts 13 days ago when Riley had his last dirty diaper. He went from going pretty much around the clock when he was first born to every day to every few days...you get the picture. Then, it was once a week, and I thought, cool! How great is that, not having to mess with the dirty diaper, tons of wipes etc. Then, he was due... it's been 7 days, I'm ready. Nope. Okay, now what? I know he's growing so I'm not worried and he's eating enough because he's satisfied. Got it, talk to the doctor when you see her for his check up. Now I know it is not uncommon for solely nursed babies to go a week because there aren't any fillers to get rid of, but when I mention it's been 9 days since he went, the doctor kinda freaked. "You need to go home and give him a glycerin suppository" was the first thing out of her mouth! I couldn't believe it and I think it showed on my face because then she backed off a little and gave me a few other suggestions...none of which I was all that excited about doing. I thought, he'll go soon and he's not in distress so I'm not messing with him. Then we hit 11 days out and I started to stress. Called my mom and sister to ask their opinion. Riley was starting to act uncomfortable. I got him to take some water from the bottle...which he then spit up all over me when he burped. He did not like the water on the way back up! Today was day 13 and I was pretty uptight wondering what should be my next step. He wanted to eat every 2 hours today (hmmm, he must be growing) and then it happened. He cleared himself out and I was ecstatic. Really I was! To the point that I cleaned him up, put him to bed and picked up the phone immediately because I had to share with someone. I even did a little happy dance while I was changing him. Like I said, motherhood does funny things to you. If it's not one thing, its another and you definitely have to roll with it.
thank God the little man pooped... how horrible for him, I can't imagine going 13 days, glad he was cool with it.
A quick note, I meant to type 32 oz. of chicken stock on the broccoli cheddar soup recipe... that would be one thick soup with only 16 oz... haaaa good luck with the soup... it is quite yummy...
That's so funny. I thought I was stressed when Jackson went 5 days once. I love poop stories they just crack me up. Glad everything came out ok.
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