Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh what a day...

Yesterday was just one of those nice days. You know the ones where things are flowing smoothly? Lily was being good, and so was Riley. Here's my monkey practicing her reading- thank you Aunt Melissa for the books! Monkey #2 went 4 hours between feedings and 8 hours at night. How great is that?
Then, I managed to make an awesome stew for dinner. This is the first time I have attempted it and it turned out great. Side note- only 1 of the new dishes I have tried lately has been very good...and I've been trying alot of new recipes. Poor Dylan!

And then, what better way to cap off the day than building a fort? All in all, a good day. What more can you ask for?

1 comment:

katie said...

don't you wish everyday just ran smoothly, like a good day... We have entered the terrible twos with max, and I am DYING....