Thursday, July 9, 2009

Front yard project...

We've been working on getting the front yard whipped into shape. I am very excited because as soon as it's done I can start on the back yard. This a picture of the way it looked before with the boxwood hedge, rose bushes and camilla "tree".

This is how it looks now with everything gone but the tree. The cover is something Dylan bought last week. I'm not sure if I like it or not. It's not staying there, we just set it up to see what it looked like. Please ignore my pile of clippings....I ran out of room in the green can and didn't feel like making the trip into the alley. Anyway, it's coming along. The next step is removing the walkway, but I'm not ripping that out till we have a solid plan for replacing it =) What do you think?

1 comment:

sabrina said...

It looks awesome!!!! Wow that is a cool cover though. I do agree that it doesn't look quite right but it is a nice cover right now as Lily plays outside and and until you get the backyard done.