Sunday, July 19, 2009

Party Time!

Dylan is turning 30 this year so I wanted to do something special to commemorate the occasion. A surprise party seemed like just the thing. Unfortunately he figured out that the party was for him. Oh well, I are a few pictures.Birthday Boy in his special hat....Lily picked it out :)

Papa and the kids playing with the water balloons. I think the water balloons were the best part...

The aftermath of the big water balloon fight. When the temp is pushing 104*, you do anything to cool down...

The best birthday gift of all...compliments of Donny and Melissa. Dylan and Melissa have an ongoing war to see who can come up with the worst picture of the other person and then exploit it. I can't remember how it started, but this is the best example to date. Just a warning Melissa, Dylan is planning payback :)
And finally, what kind of party would it be if someone didn't end up on the ground? :) Brotherly rough housing ended with Justin in the dirt atop a busted chair....whoops!

Even though it didn't end up the surprise I wanted it to be, and it was hotter than blazes, we still had fun. Thanks to everyone that helped out, I couldn't have done it without you!

1 comment:

Rhiannon Bosse said...

where are the cupcakes Tiff!! I am dying to see how the turned out :) I bet everyone just adored them!