Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No Pain, No Gain...

So, my Thanksgiving debauchery caught up with me. I wasn't sure if it would or not, then I got on the scale this morning. Uh-oh! I was so happy when I got home and got on the scale and I had maintained. I should have known better! I've been battling the last few pregnancy pounds and now I have a few more. And on top of all that, if I exercise to much my milk suffers. What to do, what to do. Ah yes, I got a new Pilates tape. This is a great idea since it doesn't burn massive amounts of calories(great for my milk production) but I still get good toning...OH CRAP, I am out of shape! This hurts! This tape is off the hook! The sad part is, they're 10 minute segments...after 5 minutes I'm pushing to get through to the end. In my defense, they are designed to be high intensity to get max benefit out of a 10 min. segment, but this is crazy how sore I am! I've done pilates before- sure I get a little sore but not like this! Guess I'll just have to stick to it...thankfully I know it's working. No pain, no gain right? Please let the pain go away soon.....

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