Thursday, December 25, 2008

What a wonderful day we had...

Our morning started off opening gifts...
Quite a pile huh?

Lily with her new magnetic dolls (basically like a paper doll but the clothes are magnetic). She has been playing with it all day. It's a hit!

Riley in his Exer
Saucer. He loves it, can you tell? All the colors and things to look at. He also got a Johnny Jump-up which he enjoys as well. He prefers to be "standing" right now. And, we got our 1st laugh today...such a happy boy!

We capped things off by attempting our first ever Prime Rib. As you can see, it turned out BEAUTIFULLY! It tasted sooo good. Of course, there was too much for us to eat so now I have to figure out what to do with the leftovers. Any suggestions? Anyone?

Now, I get to clean up the mess. It's all worth it though, spending such a fabulous day with my family. I even get my husband home 2 days in a row...woo-hoo!

1 comment:

Emily P. said...

Your tree is beautiful.