I finally got Riley to stay up on all fours and rock a little! He has not wanted to stay up long enough for me to get a picture, until today. Yeah Riley!
He's starting to wave, which is fun. He also made up his own sign to let me know when he wants to nurse. This becomes quite insistant at times =) He does the sign for all done but it's hit and miss. My baby boy is definitely growing up. He is now very stable sitting on his own and I don't have to worry overmuch about him bonking his noggin, thankfully. Daddy taught him the big grin with the nose crinkle. It cracks me up!
He's really not to sure what to think of the all fours bit. He would rather roll wherever he wants to go. He loves to eat (like you can't tell). We are basically on table food fully now. I tried him with some chicken the other night and he LOVED it. He of course makes a mess when he feeds himself, but more is getting to his mouth than ever.
Before long he'll be one, and that blows my mind. He'll be walking and talking....ahhh, where'd the time go?
So cute!!! Enjoy this stage because you know what comes next is trying to keep him away from the things that he hasn't thought of yet. I am glad he did well with the chicken.
Love the chubby thighs!
Awwww, what a sweet little thing!
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