Our 4 month checkup went very well. Riley is growing nicely. His official weight is 13 lbs 7 oz and he is just over 23" long. He is on the shorter side of the growth charts but that doesn't bother me since he was shorter when he was born. Lily was 21" compared to Riley's 19.5". Besides, we have a few "vertically challeged" =) on my side of the family. He does have some skin issues- just like Lily did. Thankfully, I know that
Aquaphor works GREAT! The doctor gave me some samples too-yay. I had actually taken him in last week because we were having some fairly serious scalp issues and he wouldn't stop itching his head. We got that cleared up without a prescription-the doctor was a little amazed. She tends to jump to the most extreme measures right off the bat, it drives me a little nuts. I have to reign her in and ask about less intense treatments. At least I am on my 2nd child, it gives me a little more back bone =) Anyhow, he is doing great. Won't be long before he's sitting up by himself and he's already able to do laps around his crib! He does a great impression of an inch worm!
1 comment:
They grow so fast huh? I can't believe it sometimes. It's like you wake up in the morning and they look different. Riley is so stinken' cute!
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