Monday, January 5, 2009


We're trying something No sound- sorry everyone. I think the mic is muted. I'll have to figure that one out.
Anyway, here is a clip of Lily (and Daddy) destroying the gingerbread house. Dylan wanted to burn them or blow them up or something equally destructive but I thought Lily with a baseball bat was funny. It's a little shaky since I was laughing. I'll have to work on my video skills. Anyhow, enjoy!


katie said...

ummm... good thing you did'nt try to eat those things, if lily can't even destroy it with a baseball bat, imagine what it would do to your teeth... haaa....

Tiffany said...

The houses were glued together with a glue gun, and the bat is rubberized...but, yeah, not really for eating :P