Sunday, January 25, 2009

Family Pictures...

Just a warning, these pictures I am posting are pretty poor quality! I don't have a scanner so they are pictures of pictures. For those of you that get a hard copy, they will be much nicer.
Anyhow, we took family pictures today. We haven't done one in 3 years, so it was time. Dylan hates taking pictures. I am also a procrastinator who doesn't like to call and make appointments. But, we made it. We got pictures. Albeit not great pictures, but decent ones. Dylan, of course, thinks he looks terrible in all of them... What can I do? I tried telling him to smile...this ones not bad.

I think he likes me=)

The kids look cute though!

The boys together! Aren't they handsome?

And us girls. Lily and I have got the cheesiest smiles! Maybe we overcompensated?


Anonymous said...

They all look so cute, Love the one with the kids. The one of you and Lily is so cute too.
Love, Melissa

Anonymous said...

What a lovely family....I can't decide which one I like best, but the kids in the wagon is adorable...Love, Susan

katie said...

wow, does lily look like her mama! so cute...
and dylan does look quite uncomfortable, but hey that is what studio pics are for, it is the everyday pics that come out the best for us. We have this hilariously horrible family pic from when I was a teenager, it was of all my brothers and sisters for my parents 20th wedding anniversary..... I might post it sometime just because it is that funny! we are all in neon colors, which was soooo coool in the mid 90's.